Desert Drone is an ongoing series created in June 2022 in Tucson, AZ focused on experimental art and sound. Originally conceived as a one off show, now a monthly event with additional shows happening all around southern Arizona.
We have a focus on fostering avant-garde music of all types throughout Arizona with attention paid to downtown Tucson, a one time bastion of underground culture, now culturally bereft. We believe there is an overabundance of unique art that should be showcased and not beholden to capitalism or gentrification. Too much emphasis is placed on commercial endeavours and the absolute need to make money off of music and art, we aim to pay artists for their time and effort and not enrichen vultures who profit off the backs of others.
If you have any interest in performing please send a streaming link to [email protected]
We accept drone, industrial, noise, ambient, glitch, idm, experimental electronics, trip hop, post-rock, doom, and all genres affiliated.
All Desert Drone events are LGBTQIA+ & BIPOC inclusive, we are anti-racist and anti-fascist. If you have a problem with this do not attend our events.